1. G. W. A. Crivelli, "The culture of the苗族", in: The world of苗族 (pp. 3-21).贵州:民族出版社, 1994.
2. L. B. Nisbet, "The people of彝族", in: The world of彝族 (pp. 3-21).贵州:民族出版社, 1994.
3. J. P. Poerio, "The culture of the苗族", in: The world of苗族 (pp. 3-21).贵州:民族出版社, 1994.
4. M. L. Smith, "The culture of the壮族", in: The world of壮族 (pp. 3-21).贵州:民族出版社, 1994.
5. R. F. Vranesic, "The culture of the侗族", in: The world of侗族 (pp. 3-21).贵州:民族出版社, 1994.
6. Y. H. Wu, "The culture of the苗族", in: The world of苗族 (pp. 3-21).贵州:民族出版社, 1994.
7. W. T. Wang, "The culture of the苗族", in: The world of苗族 (pp. 3-21).贵州:民族出版社, 1994.
8. Z. Y. Zhang, "The culture of the苗族", in: The world of苗族 (pp. 3-21).贵州:民族出版社, 1994.